​​         How Leech Therapy Works

Leech therapy is not just a surface relieve.  It is a COMPLEX PROCESS that should be regarded as a Holistic Remedy for the entire body rather than a mechanical bleeding in one spot that benefits only the local organ(s). 
When some tissues are damaged or perform irregularly due to a disruption in micro-circulation (the process of transporting blood through the tissues) , the organism as a whole begins to suffer. This disruption of micro-circulation has shown to be the underlying cause of many conditions. The  important cellular exchanges of nutrition and waste disposal occur in the blood vessels responsible for micro-circulation . Leech therapy impacts Vascular and lymphatic systems and spurs a biochemical reaction that results in the strengthening of the organism , immune system and increased resistance to pathogenic factors of internal and external environments. Consequently, it restores the body temperature, normalize blood pressure, regulates sugar levels , and ultimately helps to re-establish overall health. 

Therapy begins at the moment the leech bites through the skin and the biological substances from the leech enter into the bloodstream. Naturally, the immune system is immediately alerted and automatically raises the patient’s natural defenses to fight the invaders . This reaction often occurs due to the skin irritation, Pain , and blood loss . The substances released by the leech can also activate the human immune system. And due to this activation , Pathogenic micro-organisms in the blood of a person (certain types of staph infection , strep. Infection, spirochete infection , etc.) Are not only weakened , but also destroyed by the white cells (neutrophilic leukocytes) ; therefore, this reaction enhances their ability to catch and digest microbes and parts of destroyed cells in the bloodstream. 

Following a therapy session , these reactions may spur a false feeling of being sick . But it is a necessary part of therapy that will ultimately help a patient to achieve overall healing . Besides, the impact of the leech therapy will largely depend on the sensitivity of the individual organism and the amount of irritation it creates. It will directly correspond to the number of leeches concentrated in one area. Meanwhile, the intensity of the body’s reaction to the therapy will vary with illness. 

Medicinal leeches also have a spectrum of highly - active biological substances within it’s body that, even in small amounts, is able to get rid of microbes in the newly-acquired blood. In this manner, the blood inside a leech remains fresh and infection free. According to I. Shishkinoj, the ability to absorb microbes (phagocytosis - process of a cell engulfing solid particles) by the white cells in the human body is increased two to three times during leech therapy. This same process is observed inside the leech, where the consumed blood is not only rid of microbes by immune cells (phagocytes) but also by the symbiotic bacteria that lives in the digestive tract of the leech. These wonderful properties guarantee that it is impossible for a leech to transmit an infection from one person to another . In fact , counter to popular belief , leech therapy can actually enhance the human ability to fight infections. Biologically-active substance produced by a leech have the ability to relieve vascular spasms, while raising amount of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues, expanding the vessels, lowering the blood pressure in the arteries, and soothing the pain. Additional studies have shown leech therapy to have the ability to help sclerosis patients by restoring and strengthening blood circulation in the arteries, tissues and the vein system. Leech therapy can also help the body to process fat, leading to healthier vascular walls and reduced blood viscosity. 
Finally, leeches may promote purification of an organism from poisonous substances and may be able to heal some organs that cannot be reached by other means. 

People often wonder if they should use medicinal leeches only to strengthen the organism and get it “back on track” or to heal any developed condition. The answer is equally effective .Whether a patient’s health has completely deteriorated due to the advanced stages of an ill condition,  or a person is merely looking to take preventive steps to avoid illness, leech therapy can be a viable option.

​​​​Bioactive substances of the medicinal leeches

Medicinal leeches has more than 30 bio-active enzymes in its Saliva , here are a list of the most important enzymes and its actions according to the latest researches done: 

1. Hirudin              -   Inhibits blood coagulation by binding to thrombine.

2. Hyaluronidase  -  Spreading factor, penetrate deeper in the tissue to get more systemic effects.             

3. Pseudohirudin   - Anticoagulant  found only in the body of leeches.

4. Destabilase / Orgelase  - Dissolve Fibrin , Thrombolytic effect ( Blood Clots Dissolving ) ,  Also Promotes the formation of New Capillaries"Accelerate the absorption of swelling"/ Brings more nutrition to the bite site for Quick relief.

5. Apyrase   - Reduces blood level of total Cholesterol. 

6. Bdellines   - Anti-inflammatory.

7. Eglines   -  Anti-inflammatory.

8. Kininases   - Destroy Kinin "the chemical base of Pain".

9. Histamine-like substances   - Antispasmodic , Vasodilator.
10. Hirustatin  - Protinease inhibitor.                                                                                                                         

11. Carboxy-Peptidase A inhibitor - Increase Blood flow to the application site, supply more nutrients and remove metabolic waste products.

12. Bradykinin  - Enhances Vagocytic activity of Human Leukocytes , Anti-inflammatory .                         

13. Calin/Saratin  -Inhibits blood coagulation , Keep the wound open and cause after biting discharge to cleanse the wound. 

14. Lipolytic enzymes   - Lypolysis "body fat reduction".

15. Intibitor of Xa factor of the blood coagulation - Inhibits Coagulation .

16. Triglyceridase  & Elastase  - Stimulate Protien Metabolism.                                                                 

17. Cholesterol esterase  -   Normalize Cholesterol Level.                                                                           

18. Complement Inhibitors -  Replaces Natural Complement inhibitors if deficient - Inhibits Blood Coagulation.
19. Bacteriostatic and Anesthetic Effects of Leeches - The saliva of leeches also contains anesthetic substances (numbing Factor) which deaden pain on the site and also bacteria-inhibiting substances which inhibit the growth of bacteria.